Thursday, June 12, 2014


"The world's healthiest chocolate chip cookies" are actually delicious. I'll be doubling this recipe next time!

Really, really want to try this three minute artichoke dip.

Jeff made this salad on top of quinoa for my first Mother's Day (!) and it is so good. I want that cumin vinaigrette on all my grains.

(On that note: Why are men so difficult to buy for? He did a lovely job picking out books for my holiday (this and this), but I had a lot of trouble coming up with something for Father's Day.)

Also, this BLT salad. Except our avocado had died. It was still delicious!

Anyone seen Her? Really recommend it.

I may be worrying my husband with this whole chemical-free thing I'm working on. Yesterday at the health store I picked up a tub of bentonite clay because "it can be used in a lot of recipes." With some incredulity he exclaimed, "You're going to put that in our food?!" Natural hair- and body-care recipes, that is. So far I make my own deodorant, body wash, shampoo and conditioner, make up remover, face wash, dry shampoo... But, an upcoming post will show you how I've been converting him to natural, too!

Love this poster for the classroom.

A friend posted this link for me, full of ridiculous things you won't believe have been mass produced. I have to say yes please to the baby bangs, so we can have a twin day. And definitely the onesie-mop is a great buy. The award, I think, goes to the Crib Dribbler, though, because babies, hampsters, same same. In all seriousness, I do like the redneck pacifier.

On an actually serious note for summer vacation: Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning and Secondary Drowning.

The cutest thing you'll see today and one that will get a laugh!

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