Friday, April 19, 2013

Birthdays Around the World Giveaway

Fourth quarter.
It's like I can taste summer already!
This will be a quick summer, with just a month and a half in Canada before we ship out to Manila.
I'm sure we will savour every moment.

But before I get lost in those dreams...
To end the school year, I thought a fun unit was in need.
And since I've been rather ill in the last few weeks, I've been able to finish off this new unit:
It's packed with all this and more...

We've done several activities already and it's turning out to be a hit! 
Plus, while I was out unexpectedly {thanks, nausea}, it's been easy for my EA to read the lesson plans included and work through some it for me.

Check it out here on TpT and here on TN.

I'd love to give one of these away, too! 
Leave me a comment below with your favourite birthday memory and your email; I'll random-number-generator them!
Happy fourth quarter, everyone.
- Amanda


  1. I remember my friends throwing me a surprise birthday party at 32!

  2. My favorite memory is a surprise birthday party on our teacher work day. We really had fun because school was out for the summer!

  3. How fun is that! My favorite birthday memory is my mom always making my favorite homemade meal : Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes and green and wax beans with german chocolate cake for dessert (yes, I am from the Midwest, why do you ask?)
    I am a new follower!
    Second Grade is Out of This World!
