Sunday, November 18, 2012

Took the early bus home

Seriously, I never ever do this. School ends at 2:00 with last duty ending at 2:15 and a bus that brings us back to our apartment at 2:40. I can Never be ready to leave at 2:40. Never. Things come up and people come by and some days I'm not even ready to take the later bus at 3:45. But today, it was necessary. Last week was only a two-day week (long weekend!) and I felt even less prepared for school because of it. When my class started getting crazy after lunch, I realized, "Ah, right - we've all missed our usual afternoon nap!"

Somehow, we were able to get through an introduction to two-digit addition, which my kids actually rocked. Making life much happier for me! We used this little file together on the Smart Board to talk about how to start and practice some questions, then they completed a similar worksheet.

Next we will study two-digit addition with regrouping. For that, I made this simple little Prezi,
and this same-as-the-last whole-group practice page and worksheet {included in the set, which you can find here in my TpT, free for all those that leave loving comments and follow my tiny blog!}

Happy adding!


  1. Great worksheets and loved the Prezi. The part of the prezi that explains the tens in a 2-digit number shows the number 98 but says the 6 is in the tens place. Just thought you might want to know so you can edit it.

  2. Thank you - duh! Edited and ready to go. I also updated the worksheet because the example question on page 3 had an error.

  3. I am a follower and this looks great!
