Tuesday, September 4, 2012

So far so good!

I'm pretty pumped about this year. Great group of students so far, great teaching team again, and a lovely new EA to help me out. I don't feel in a haze this first week like I did last year - stepping off a 17-hour flight into desert heat at midnight and teaching at 7:20am the next day was a tad {understatement!} overwhelming and made for a less than thrilling teaching introduction on my part. Now we are practicing routines, {most} things are where they should be - including my brain! - and I have much more accurate expectations. 

Although my class list has gone from 25 to 29 to 27 to 28 already in the first two days of school, I feel like a happy teacher! We have a very high male population at our school, so I have 21 boys so far... I have some super cuties and super smarties so I'm looking forward to working with this group. With a week to set up my classroom, here's how it's shaping up:

Clock numbers - I'm hoping to use these in lessons somehow this month.

My Morning Meeting procedure and "Give Me 5" visual - thanks Mrs. Wheeler for this idea! It's kind of hard to see, but each hand has a little monster picture that focuses on eyes, ears, hands, body and mouth, like this guy:
I got the clip art from My Cute Graphics.

A place to hang fantastic work I receive.

My circus-inspired door complete with "Admit One" tickets that say "Welcome to grade two ___________" I'll use those later to assign classroom jobs.

And my alphabet. {PS - It's only $1 on my TN!} 
There will be a lot more going up as we get into more back to school lessons and activities, and while I don't l.o.v.e. everything about the room so far {my new EA has already declared I am a perfectionist haha}, it is a really great start! I hope everyone is enjoying being back and hopefully getting more than just half of what has been planned done with your classes, which is really all I've managed....
- Amanda


  1. Wow! 21 boys is a pretty huge percentage of your class! Glad they seem good so far, though :) Your alphabet is so cute! I love the simplicity of the clipart :) A little sad my room is all set up already!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  2. 21 boys! You will have an active, but fun year! Cute alphabet chart.
    Conversations in Literacy

  3. Your room is looking good!
    Wow, I can't imagine arriving after midnight and teaching first thing in the morning. That must have been so tough.
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  4. Your room is looking great! How is teaching in Kuwait? What an awesome experience...even with 21 boys. wow! :) I'm your newest follower & would love for you to stop by sometime!

    First Grade Fairytales

  5. Kaylees Education StudioSeptember 4, 2012 at 9:52 PM

    I love the way you've got your clock set up and your classroom jobs clip artthat you've used on your door.

  6. I found you through Tori's giveaway. Congratulations on reaching 100+ followers!!!! I love your Whole Brain Teaching signs and you're Circus themed door! What a creative idea! I am sure your kids loved it:)

    Kelly Teach
