Friday, September 21, 2012

Birthday wishes

Alright, so I know this video went viral weeeeeeks ago, but in honour of my wonderful husband's birthday, I'm posting here for all to enjoy:
Jeff and I met in Korea (crazy enough we grew up only 40 minutes away from one another...small world), so suffice it to say that this video has had a special place on our laptop for the past while. There are so many familiar things - Gangnam Station, where Jeff played ball hockey; short skirts; neon; things that don't make sense in the most hilarious ways - that just scream "Korea" for us. If you need a song stuck in your head, you should watch.

Moving on to the more educational... Jeff teaches middle school/high school here in Kuwait and last year, being faced with a completely new culture and students that really needed structure and lots of guidance, he started using Class Dojo
People love it, I'm telling you. He was actually asked to write a feature post on their blog this summer, which you can read HERE. Not only am I married to a kind, funny, and very intelligent man, but he's also a truly great teacher. He has a middle school blog - "A New Classroom" - so feel free to send all your middle school or J/I teaching buds over to read about his adventures! 

1 comment:

  1. We watched that video last weekend at a dinner party and laughed our heads off!!! That is the funniest thing going.

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs
