Monday, March 26, 2012

Art Attack

The other day I did a little painting project with my twos inspired by smART Class. We are introducing primary and secondary colours through mixing, so I decided to give the "Drippy Monsters" a whirl.
This little guy is still missing some body parts, but I hope to have time to add them this week. We used blobs of primary colours in the middle of the paper and straws to blow the paint toward the edges to create an organic shape. We will use construction paper to finish off the body. If you're interested, take a look at the link above for some really cute ideas you can show your class.
And this is how my pretty blue nail polish looked after the paint - a bit of a mess! {Isn't that a great colour, though?!}
I made a super quick blending colours worksheet to go with the lesson:
Pretty simple, but click the picture to download if you wish.
Good night!