Monday, February 27, 2012

A Weekend in Bahrain

It was only two nights, but it felt oh-so great to get away. We stayed at a great hotel {mainly because we got a Great deal, thanks to Agoda} and had a nice old time. We didn't see a ton, but we did a lot of walking around the Juffair area and were able to enjoy some {adult} beverages...!

The Old Palace

At the Gold Souq

It really was a lovely trip. We had massages {and even if some parts of this one felt like actual torture, I love the tradition we have of getting massages in all the countries we visit!}, marveled at the more western feel, despite how close we are in Kuwait, and just slowed down for two entire days. One thing that threw me, though, one thing that I was really, really, really not ready for, in the least, not even close, hadn't fully considered despite all the travel-blogger warnings, was the prostitution. I was shocked by the blatant hooker-client negotiations I witnessed! Shocked. I have never seen such obvious prostitution anywhere that I've ever been, and that includes the heart of Bangkok! It made me feel very lucky to lead the life I do. To put it into perspective, it makes me see my job as a teacher as even more important.

Another bit of a disappointment is the fact that I didn't bring my Kobo! So sad. I think it's the first trip I've ever taken without a book... And speaking of books on vacation, at Christmas in Sri Lanka I read a hilarious book that I highly recommend called The Sex Lives of Cannibals by J. Maarten Troost. I forgot to add it to my post way back then. If you're looking for a great island read, this is it!The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific

Listen to me going on about "disappointments" after a weekend vacation! Bahrain will see me again, of that I am certain. I admit I had really great feelings as we wandered through the city. I'll quit rambling and leave you with just a couple more photos for today.
Here I am in the cold seaside wind

Jeff and I are looking forward to the next long weekend trip - who knows when - but for now, it's back to the grind. I've been working on a few documents today that I will share later on!

- Amanda

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