Friday, February 3, 2012

Imagine my surprise!

The other day when we started Math centers, a student looked through his group's bucket at the task cards and asked: "Miss, is it only subtraction?" To which I replied, "Yes, my friend, just subtraction this time." He quickly leaned over to a friend, and in a very concerned voice, groaned, "Ohhh, only subtraction." I was thrilled, to say the least! I am so happy that my students are starting to love Math centers as much as I do. I even got a class-wide"Yay!" the last time I announced we were about to start centers. {Double yay!}

Anyway, to rectify this little *issue* {haha} I made these addition task cards to use during centers. Super simple, but cute, thanks to Mel at From the Pond and Nikki at Melonheadz Illustrating.

Download these addition cards here!

Here's a little look at the rotation we had goin' on last week. Fun stuff!

Before the break I posted about a gingerbread measurement activity I got from Grade ONEderful. Well, I put it into center rotation to go along with our measurement unit {just finished} and because a lot of students didn't show up for the last day of school {no big surprise at my school}. They had a ton of fun with this! Also, I adapted her worksheet for Canadian units, but I see now she has one! Just check out her post {above} to grab one. The whole class loved this center!

This is the infamous subtraction center. I got the cards from Amy Lemons at Step into 2nd Grade. It's a great I-Spy activity {even if I couldn't use it as an I-Spy because some of my students would take advantage} so if you need a quick printable, find these here.

Some of my students still struggle with fact families, so I try to slip 'em in here and there. I found this activity from Heather Price at Heather's Heart and the class loved the penguin theme. Find them here.

The last center: estimating 100 steps. Have I mentioned yet how wonderful it is to have an EA with me for *MOST of the* day? It is so wonderful. Here she is with one group after they estimated and drew a picture together of how far 100 steps would take them from our classroom. They are about to test it out! The groups were all really excited for this one!

And finally, maybe you noticed the pages under protective paper taped to each student's desk in some of the photos. I made a quick "personal word wall" template for each student in my class - I'll post about that after my trial period!

I did promise a rice pudding recipe. After the bulletin board is finished and the graphing results totaled on Sunday with the class, I will put it up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi again, Amanda. Thanks for the shout out. Love your blog. It's very cute. My kids loved the measuring activity too. Of course they love anything to do with sweet treats. Ha ha!

    Grade ONEderful
