Wednesday, January 30, 2013

London, England

Hi all,
It's been a funny school week - I've taught only two days and am going in tomorrow, the last day of the week, for 3-way conferences. Why? We were in London! I'm not going to lie, this is not my favourite place. We've been a couple times, and it always seems sooooooooo so dreary there. Not to mention how Expensive it is! I mean, we always complain about the price of the subway in Toronto, which is about $3 CAD, but in London, the "tube" will run you $7 CAD - single way! Yikes.

All in all, those things were not so bad because we had an Amazing Amazing Amazing weekend. We went to an international job fair, had no idea what exactly to expect for ourselves, and of course had read many forums filled with "horror" stories before landing. In the end, we both found it an exhilarating, ego-boosting, and totally gratifying learning experience! We lined up several interviews, made some amazing contacts with top international world schools, and learned about a lot of schools in countries we hadn't considered. Plus, we got fantastic jobs at a really top-notch school in....

(wait for it..)

the Philippines!

What?! Yes, super awesome. So late July we will begin our trek there against monsoons, typhoons, and earthquakes of all kinds and measure. But, I'll take it over snow :) Definitely feeling humbled, blessed and crazy excited about this next step! Deciding between schools was the toughest married-life decision we've had to make, and we are so confident we made the right choice.

Thanks for reading!


  1. So jealous!!!! What an amazing, exciting journey!! Can't to follow you on this next experience : )

    Tales From a Traveling Teacher

  2. Very exciting! Although I have to admit London is my favorite place on earth! I have been there seven or eight times (I live in the US) and hope to live in the UK when I retire. I love absolutely everything about it.

    Good luck with the exciting new job!
