Thursday, June 19, 2014

photo an hour

8 am: the bedside table
-     Finn & Co Black Sand moisturizer     -
-   Satinka Naturals whipped coconut butter   -  
-     Alice Blue hand-poured soy wax candle     -

9am: family time
(this picture cracks me up because it looks like dad has a miniature hand!)

10am: breakfast - yogurt and berries sweetened with Pili & Pino coconut nectar

11am: skype with mom

12pm: finally getting ready for the day

1pm: Orange Is the New Black with lunch

2pm: baby selfie! 
feel like I should be hashtag-ing this something.

3pm: it's looking like a great time for a nap. 
there have been ridiculous up-all-night nursing growth spurts happening lately. again.

4pm: working on Mara's art project

5pm: we finally got chairs for the balcony so I'm taking in the view!

6pm: a walk around the neighbourhood

7pm: a stop at a new cafe for some tea and dessert

and that's the day!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

diy all-natural glorious beard oil

I finally came up with a pretty good gift idea for Father's Day!
(Buying for my husband is not an easy task.)
He's a big board game guy.
Me, not soooo much. I've learned I have a bit of a competitive nature.
(Otherwise known as being a sore loser.)
So I sneakily ordered this game for him, as we've played it before and the individual player aspect being right up my alley, it's one I really like.
I had it all set up: created my own account (I usually just use his), had it delivered to my mom's house in Canada, organized it with her to have it added to the suitcase full of things she's bringing just for me when they come to visit this week, and felt pretty darn good about myself.
And then you know what happened?
The man read my emails, saw the shipment notification, and effectively ruined my crafty surprise.
So yeah.
Now all I have left is an expression of my love.

Jeff, I love your beard.
One of our friends recently went so far as to call it glorious.
Look at the glory!

Here's the beard oil he makes to keep it so:

1 part jojoba oil (this is the key as it's a dry oil)
1 part coconut oil
a few drops of vitamin e oil
5-10 drops tea tree oil (this may be more or less depending on the size of your container. I'd say his is about 100 mL)

Happy Father's Day and happy beard-growing  to all the daddies!

Thursday, June 12, 2014


"The world's healthiest chocolate chip cookies" are actually delicious. I'll be doubling this recipe next time!

Really, really want to try this three minute artichoke dip.

Jeff made this salad on top of quinoa for my first Mother's Day (!) and it is so good. I want that cumin vinaigrette on all my grains.

(On that note: Why are men so difficult to buy for? He did a lovely job picking out books for my holiday (this and this), but I had a lot of trouble coming up with something for Father's Day.)

Also, this BLT salad. Except our avocado had died. It was still delicious!

Anyone seen Her? Really recommend it.

I may be worrying my husband with this whole chemical-free thing I'm working on. Yesterday at the health store I picked up a tub of bentonite clay because "it can be used in a lot of recipes." With some incredulity he exclaimed, "You're going to put that in our food?!" Natural hair- and body-care recipes, that is. So far I make my own deodorant, body wash, shampoo and conditioner, make up remover, face wash, dry shampoo... But, an upcoming post will show you how I've been converting him to natural, too!

Love this poster for the classroom.

A friend posted this link for me, full of ridiculous things you won't believe have been mass produced. I have to say yes please to the baby bangs, so we can have a twin day. And definitely the onesie-mop is a great buy. The award, I think, goes to the Crib Dribbler, though, because babies, hampsters, same same. In all seriousness, I do like the redneck pacifier.

On an actually serious note for summer vacation: Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning and Secondary Drowning.

The cutest thing you'll see today and one that will get a laugh!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

into this... BANKS

Listening to this latest track - Drowning - over and over. Watch the (as noted) rather narcissistic but still cool video here.
Goddess expected in September.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

a baby shower

On Friday, Mara and I ventured out to the school for meet-and-greets with my grade 3s and Jeff's grade 6s. I was a little worried, and totally prepared to be pretty mean if anyone tried to touch her. A few days ago in the elevator, while exchanging pleasantries with a perfect stranger, the lady reached into the stroller and touched my baby. I freaked out inside. Maybe I shouldn't be so worried, but... she's a preemie, and because, germs.  My class and some class mom's organized a baby shower, but the kids were prepped ahead of time that there should be no baby-touching. And the party was the sweetest thing!

The kids LOVED meeting Mara. They were all really cute, clasping their hands behind their backs and leaning over her car seat in a big huddle of awe. It was actually a really special time with my class and parents, and I think I took it for granted while I was there. My heart was all warm and fuzzy when we got home! Plus, we got to take home the extra cookies.

The cookies.
How adorable are those cookies that a parent ordered for the celebration?! Not only are they adorable, they're delicious, and I'm fairly certain made in the kitchen of a lovely lady who uses the proceeds for charitable donations here in the Philippines.

And here's Mara sleeping beautifully in the middle of the afternoon today all dressed up in one of her adorable gifts (straight from India!):

She's probably sleeping so soundly because she's exhausted from being annoying and waking up every 45 minutes after nursing (for 30 minutes plus) to nurse again between the hours of 9pm and 2am. It's been rather sleep-depriving, this trick of hers. Happily, we met some friends for lunch today and they said she looks bigger than when they saw her last, which I think was last weekend. So I suppose it's worth it.

Also I can get really cute sleepy baby shots.

But I value my sleep more. I know this because I've noticed myself being in the habit of looking over at Jeff bitterly as he sleeps on, and then looking down at my baby as she suckles on in a strange state of doingthingslikeeatingwhilesleepingisnormal and ending the wave of grumpy mama by rolling my eyes and sighing. Then I get my phone and play solitaire. I know breastfeeding is supposed to be this wonderful and nourishing time between mother and child, but sleep.

Now I will spend some time holding our beautiful girl and being so thankful that she is healthy and strong. Counting my blessings.